Our Process

Whether you are refinishing existing hardwood floors in your home and just need to select your stain and finish, or you are having us install new hardwood and need to select the species, cut and width of your flooring, Floors of Distinction can walk you through the process from start to finish.

1)  Selection & Estimate
There are a lot of options when it comes to selecting the right wood flooring. We start our process by connecting with you and discussing your style and functional needs for your wood flooring. Then we will schedule an in-person measurement so we can come and see your space, measure for materials and estimate the labor for your specific project. This is when we would decide which dye, stain, and finish you want in order to achieve your desired look. Once we have drawn up the estimate, we will share it with you and schedule your project.

2)  Installation
We install all species, cuts, and widths of hardwood floors. From the standard 2 1/4” oak to 12” wide hardwood planks. Each product has a particular installation procedure. Some products need to be nailed and glued, while others may only need nailing and yet some just glued. Each wood reacts differently to different sub-floors and environments. Through our years of experience, we know what works well and what does not.

3) Sanding & Water Popping
Our sanding starts out with the Bona Dustless Sanding System, the first and best in the industry. We will sand your floors back to the original clean wood floors and perform our water popping technique to ensure that your wood floors soak up the stain for a beautiful, rich, and even finish.

4) Stain & Finish
Once the sanding is complete, it’s up to you to decide how you want your new floors to look: dark, light or natural. We will give you colors to pick from or you can show us the color you have. Then comes the finish: oil based, water based, tung oil, or Belgian hard wax. Most finishes come in different sheen levels from a high gloss to a low sheen satin. All very good choices for different situations.